Most families do communicate, but the way we communicate is the concern! We’re rushed, busy, tired, and distracted. We share surface level information that helps us get through the day and to the next appointment, class, piano lesson, and athletic practice. We even discuss “church” sometimes–the logistics, the folks that showed up and especially the ones that didn’t. But, sadly, most families lack real open, honest, healthy communication. We’re talking about the kind that uses real words, spoken. We’re talking about listening ears; the sharing of hopes, dreams, plans for the future, and excitement about what’s next on the homefront. We’re talking about the disappointments or frustrations that we’re experiencing and the thoughts that keep us up at night. That’s real communication. That’s the kind that builds oneness and intimacy in marriage and connection in a family. How is the challenge to have meaningful communication going at your house? Is the atmosphere one of love and admiration where the hard subjects can be discussed and where you can disagree without shutting each other down? How much do you really know about the last week of your spouses’ life or all the things your children have dealt with this week? If we asked the other members of your household, would they agree that you’re easy to talk to? James 1:19 says we’re to be “....quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” (Thanks, James!) It may be time for a communication check-up. You may need to jump off the treadmill of life long enough to listen, to express love verbally, and to just talk for a while.
- Eric & Gena Boggs