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Eric & Gena Boggs

The FUN House

The busyness of life, the routine, and the ruts we fall into can cause us to lose sight of the joy that we should be experiencing in our relationship with God—and in our relationships within our family! We stop laughing. We stop playing. We live boring, mechanical lives that make for a dull, quiet, unexciting homelife. Remember—laughter is like a medicine (someone said!) and the joy of the Lord is to be our strength AND a byproduct of the believers life! With all that said, we just believe that our homes should be the “fun house”! Fun builds bonds, traditions and memories; also security and  confidence in our children. Stop being so serious all the time! Lighten up! Laugh at yourself! Have a family dance party! Let your kids bring all the friends to YOUR house and learn to enjoy the journey and the family that God has given you! Proverbs 15:15—For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.”  John 10:10–He came to give us LIFE! Psalm 118: 24This is the day the Lord has made, celebrate and be festive!”(MSG) And even in your marriage—-Ecc. 9 ENJOY the wife if your youth!  We challenge you—Enjoy the journey! God will be pleased! AND, it will change the dynamic of your entire home!

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