We all know that prayer is vital and we’ve each probably witnessed hundreds of answered prayers and seen situations and lives revolutionized by its’ power. However, how often do we neglect the benefits of focused prayer in our home by neglecting to pray specifically and directly for our family? Do we regularly pray for the needs of our spouse and children? How often do we ask God to reveal Himself and His presence to our spouse and children; to order the steps of our loved ones; to bring spiritual growth and renewal; or to protect and provide for all the needs in their lives? We should pray that our family be encouraged when they want to give up, strengthened when the day seems overwhelming, and for courage when their faith is challenged! The list could go on! The needs are many for all of us and sometimes it’s even good to find a practical resource that we can use and follow in leading our prayers. We can’t be encouraged enough to make regular, daily, focused prayer for our spouse, our children, our extended family, and our church family a part of our daily practice! Let’s give God a chance and just see what He will do! There’s no greater support that we can give and no better way to build love, forgiveness, and intimacy into our relationships than to pray for those we are in relationship with. Family focused prayers should be a part of our to-do list today–and every day!
Eric & Gena Boggs