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Eric & Gena Boggs

Don't Get Caught Drifting!

Everyone enters marriage thinking theirs will be extraordinary, never status quo, and surely not boring or lifeless.  However, there’s this thing Eric and I have referred to and taught on for decades----it's called the drift. It happens when couples stop being attentive and intentional about keeping their relationship fresh. They stop putting in the effort, time, and energy.  They get busy, offended, or too exhausted. They wake up one day to a “less than expected” marriage; maybe even a loveless marriage. We encourage you today—stop and evaluate where you are. Have you been slack in doing love, in acting on purpose, and in showing love in real ways? Are there things you know you should be doing in your marriage that you are not? If you are waiting on feelings all the time, we’d encourage you to act anyway—take the first step and maybe just get out of the boat and do something different.  Create habits of intentionality! Live on purpose! Ordinary is a great enemy and a place that God never intended for you or your marriage. Marriage is a good thing! It should be extraordinary, but it’ll never happen unless you’re intentional about being and doing what you can to make it special. Listen better. Strive to meet your spouses’ needs. Say “I love you” more and be more affectionate on the regular. Pursue romance and intimacy.  Just be intentional and don’t get caught up in the drift!  Today is a good day to start!

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