Let’s start by stating the obvious. If you’re married, there should be no other earthly relationship where you experience deeper intimacy than with your spouse. (Notice, we said “earthly” relationship, because your God-relationship should always trump all other relationships. For the Christian, that should be obvious as well, but—let’s make sure we start with facts! A vibrant, intimate, God-relationship will impact all other relationships!) However, the challenge of developing and maintaining intimacy in marriage is real! Everyday life has a way of squeezing energy and time from our schedules, leaving us void of the valuable components needed to progress in intimacy. Understand that intimacy, simply, is the knowing of our spouse and the commitment to be known. Intimacy is often defined as “in-to-me-see”----essentially opening up and being “naked and unashamed” in all aspects of our life.
When have you taken time for a marriage intimacy check-up? If it’s been a while, we encourage you to stop whatever seems so urgent today and consider where you are as a couple. Everything you do as a married person flows out of your relationship with God, and your relationship with your spouse. There’s just no way around it! We like to say it this way, “It all starts at home!” The person that we’ve been made one with in the covenant of marriage can’t be distant, or an afterthought after a busy day. We can never stop pursuing and being intentional about keeping intimacy alive! Our first assignment or ministry is our spouse if we’re married. Our first ministry is our marriage. Get that right and watch how it propels everything else you do! So—back to the intimacy check-up……
When have you set aside time in your oh-so-busy-schedule to focus on your spouse; their needs; the things they’re challenged with in this season of life, or the places they need more of your time and attention? When have you taken the initiative to share your thoughts, plans, dreams, or personal challenges? When have you worshiped together, prayed together, or discussed the things of God? When is the last time you had a romantic evening together as husband and wife that culminated in an intimate sexual encounter? These things are vital to intimacy! And intimacy is vital to the life of your marriage! It is that important! What can you do today to move towards intimacy?