The LOVE holiday is approaching! Valentine’s Day is here! Red hearts, candles burning, conversation hearts, all kinds of candy, chocolate covered strawberries (my personal favorite), flowers, sweet cards and date nights---all signs of the season of love! Can I encourage you to “say what you need to say” on this holiday? Be careful! Don’t say what may make you feel better. Don’t say what you think you need to get off your chest. Say what you need to say! Say what is good, uplifting, encouraging and kind (Ephesians 4:29). Speak of your love, your appreciation and your thankfulness for your spouse. This should be a regular occurrence and not just saved for holidays, but know that all the Valentine gifts in the world can’t put into motion what a few loving, kind, and uplifting words can do! Proverbs 12:25 says we can even bring healing with our words! You want to start something this Valentine’s Day that will keep going long after the holiday—after the flowers are dead, and after the chocolates have all been inhaled? Put some words into motion that will bring a loving return. “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (Proverbs 16:24) Say what you need to say!
The LOVE Holiday~~~Say What You NEED to Say!
Eric & Gena Boggs